Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Tips for School: Getting your child with Asperger's / Autism Ready for School.

Yes, it's almost time for the school sales, and along with it it's time for parents to start thinking about getting their child ready for school, and making sure their school is ready for their child. Children with Asperger's and autism (ASD) are at special risk at the beginning of the year, as schools are full of changes, excitement and confusion. Nothing our kids deal with very well.

So here we go with some school tips for children with Asperger's or ASD:

1. First, get to know who's who in your school, and your district. Prepare a contact list of everyone you might need to work with during the year. The time to do this is now, while there are no problems, and there is time. Your phone calls and initial contacts will also be more welcomed as your a parent trying to be prepared, rather than a parent with a complaint.

These individuals might include the Director of Special Education or Support Services (whatever your district might call this person), the supervisor of the program your child is in (there may be one in the school, and one in the district office), the chair of the special education or support committee at the school, the head of your school's parent group, your local schools school psychologist, counsellor and of course the school principal, secretary and if its an older child there may be a department head or dean you should know. Also, you may want to get the contact information for your schools Ot or PT, who often can be very useful with developing plans and interventions. Get their phone numbers, and school emails. The emails are very important because you may use those to leave important messages, and especially messages that might need to be revisited later. Remember, if it wasn't in writing, it didn't happen.

2. Has your school set up a consultation with POPARD, the Provincial Outreach Program for Autism and Related Disorders? Every school district in BC has a "POPARD Partner" who can arrange for these consultative services. Find out who this person is and see if you can get an appointment. POPARD can provide your child's teacher with excellent feedback, suggestions and most of all, a plan!

2. Gather copies of last years IEP (individual education plans), behaviour plans of FBAs (Functional Behaviour Analysis) school grades, previous correspondence, doctor's diagnosis and psycho-educational assessments. Clearly mark any suggested interventions you find on your child's IEP or behaviour plan. Never go to a meeting without these documents in hand. After every meeting take a few minutes to write up a short summary note for yourself. Especially note who was suppose to do what, by when, and how they were suppose to measure success. I recommend punching holes in them and putting them together in a binder so that they never get lost. (And you thought kids were the only ones who lost important papers!).

3. As soon as you can meet with the classroom teacher and whoever is the supervisor of your child's program. Remember, the classroom teacher is SUPPOSE to be the person designated to implement an Individual Education Plan (IEP). That's not always the way it is, and often classroom teachers have not even read the child's IEP.

Now, let's address some strategies that should be seen in use in the classroom:

4. Make sure there are classroom rules posted prominently somewhere. If appropriate, have your child repeat the rules back to you to make sure he or she understands them. These rules should be stated in the positive. We do this, or do that. Not in the negative. We don't do this or that. Have them written down separately and included in your child's notebook. For children with Asperger's and autism there should be a set of rules with visual supports. No matter how functional you may feel your child is, there needs to be a continuation of universal visual supports for your child in the classroom.

5. Your child's schedule needs to be posted on the board, on their desk, and if they use a PECS system, on the PECS booklet. While some parents want to get their kids away from visual supports as they grow older, the real key is to get your visual support system to change and be developmentally appropriate for your child. The usefulness of visual supports never goes away, just ask anyone with a date book, iphone or checklist in their pocket!

5. Make sure your child will be seated close to the teacher, and away from distractors such as doors, windows, pencil sharpeners and so on. In no way should your child be seated separately, or made to feel different or pointed out. If there are times your child needs to be seated separately there are positive ways to do this that don't make your child stick out like the kid with problems!

6. The most effective means we have of modifying behaviour with students with Aspergers or Autism is through immediate feedback and consequences. Consequences should be positive and reinforcing rather than punitive and reactionary. Make sure there is a way to monitor how many positive reinforcing statements are made, compared to corrections. If corrections worked, you would have no worries and their would be no IEP for your child.

7. Positive point systems are the most effective means we have to teach new skills to children with Asperger's and autism. Make sure there is one in place in class. It should be a system that always get's your child closer to his or her goal, rather than one that leaves them two points short at the end of the day. (Hey, you earned 98 points! Only two more to go, bet you'll earn those early in the morning!)

8. Make sure your child is allowed physical breaks, is allowed to walk around (with permission) and stand if necessary to do work. Many of these breaks can be built into your child's day with tasks like handing out papers, erasing the board and so on.

9. Use visual cues to help your child follow rules, switch activities and transition throughout the day. Visual supports are less likely to make your child prompt dependent than verbal reminders (which quickly become nagging and turn a child off). Ask to meet with last year's teacher and teacher aide and make up a list of what worked, and what made things better. MAke sure the school does more of those things this year.

10. Make sure there is a "time away" program for your child, that is, a positive time, scheduled if need be, when they can get out of the larger social world and be by themselves to relax and calm down. Time away is not "Time Out," which is used as a punishment or removal or reinforcers with children. Those interventions are inappropriate with children with Asperger's or ASD / autism.

11. Reduce the total workload, and reduce homework! There are numerous papers out there about the need to reduce homework for children on the autism spectrum. The goal is to work hard, not to finish everything. It's to make a good effort, the best effort you can. And that's enough.

12. Make sure when giving instructions the teacher get an initial recognition from your child (hey, look here for a minute. Great. ....) and then repeats back the instructions. This will vastly increase the chances a task will actually get done. And any task with more than 3 steps, should be written down.

13. Reduce (get rid of) copying from the board! This is one of the most difficult tasks there is for a student with Asperger's or high functioning autism. There is simply no reason to insist on this.

14. Use visual timers, not just clocks, to help your child stay focused and understand how long a task will take to complete. There are a number of these available commercially (Time-Timer) or you can make one with a few pieces of tape and coloured paper around your clock.

15. Do not use loss of recess or any social time as a punishment for a student on the ASD spectrum. Why would you remove an activity that will most likely lead to the child doing better the rest of the day?

16. Schedule the difficult tasks and subjects early if you can. The more tired your child is, the more difficulty they will have with focus and attention. Do the hard stuff first, then take it easy. Just like adults do!

17. Use a peer buddy. Yep, someone for your child to look at, follow, get social cues from. He or she should be allowed to look at that student's work as an example, and ask that student questions to clarify.

18. Remember to use visual supports as much as possible. They help with anxiety, switching mental sets, changing tasks and schedule changes. And make sure the staff is trained in using them. If last year the teacher or aide were good at using PECS or other appropriate visual supports, arrange a time to meet with them and this years staff to discuss how they implemented these strategies. Focus on successes, what made things better, and what worked!

19. Visit the school before school starts. Even if your child attended there last year. Visit the building, walk around, find his or hers new rooms, walk from their to the library and cafeteria.

20. Practice the drop off and pick up routine prior to the first day, and try to practice it three or four times. This will make a difficult day go smoother.

If you have time for a little reading before school starts, two books I would suggest are: "The Incredible 5-Point Scle" by Buron and Curtis and "Social Behavior Mapping" by Michelle Winner. Other reading suggestions can be found on my web site.

For more information about child and adolescent parenting you can visit my web page at, for information about services I provide for families and children with Aspergers or autism spectrum disorder, click here, for children with ADHD click here, and for adults with ADHD click here ( or my Psychology Today Website. You can also call my office at 778.998-7975 to make an appointment for a consultation. My AAMFT listing (Registered Marriage and Family Therapist) can be located by clicking here.