Friday, April 4, 2014

Adult Treatment for Autism and Asperger's

In my practice in Burnaby I am often asked to suggest books and reading about Aspeger's and working. Here is the best book I recommend: The Journal of Best Practices by David Finch.

David's book is an easy read, funny and informative. He gives many examples of how the person with Asperger's needs to deal with the world around them to "be a better husband" as he says. The book is based upon his essay "Somewhere Inside, the Path to Empathy," which appeared in the New York Times.

You can find this book through my website at

There you will also find information on testing and diagnostic services for teens and adults who suspect they have Asperger's or High Functioning Autism. A full assessment for Aspeger's with an adult costs approximately $1,200.00 and is not always recommended. Sometimes it might be better to simply spend our time looking at current problems, understanding how they develop and working on step by step solutions. Often, amazingly enough, the solutions for problems that a couple with one member having Aspeger's might experience might be very similar to what we do with children or teens. The skills are all pretty similar.

For more information on the diagnosis of Aspegers or autism spectrum disorder in children, teens or adults, please visit my web page or contact me to make an appointment.

Dr. Jim Roche
Offices located in Burnaby, BC
Serving Burnaby, Vancouver, New Westminster, Coquitlam and Maple Ridge.

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