Acupuncture Revisited
This is a nice review (click above) of acupuncture and the acupuncture literature. As the title or subtitle notes, "neither effective nor safe." The reason for this posting? Well, this past month I have had three parents come in with children who they swear are better because of acupuncture.All three are non-verbal children who frankly, I see no difference in. The question for me is, "Should you try to tell them this is dangerous?" After listening to their descriptions there were apparently no gloves used in two of the acupuncture meetings, and all three were combined with either herbal medicine or homeopathic "medicine" that are, again, ineffective (homeopathic) or dangerous. Some days I feel there is little hope as the frequency of the use of these treatments seems to increase. At any rate, rather than argue about this myself I'll let the expects. Click above and read on.
Dr.jim Roche
Dr. Roche is a Registered Psychologist and Registered Marriage and Family Therapist with offices in burnaby and Vancouver, BC. His practice focuses on children, adolescents and adults with autism spectrum disorder, Asperger's Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD/ADD) and similar behavioural issues. He can be reached at 778.998-7975
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