Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Stress, Anxiety and Autism

This is an excellent video produced right here in BC by our Provincial Outreach Program for Autism and Related Disorders. Here is the link:


I suggest this short video for a couple of reasons: First, this is a program used throughout the province within school districts, The Incredible Five Point Scale. You can purchase a copy of several books and workbooks that address the area of anxiety and autism (or Aspergers) and make use of this program at home, and Second, it follows the basic intervention program I use with children, adolescents and even adults in my office. I use the Five Point Scale, or a similar version used for many years in Nevada and elsewhere called "Give Me a Hand" to help individuals recognize, label and then address different levels of anxiety, stress and tension they experience in their lives. For more information on using this program you can look at my website at www.relatedminds.com or at the POPARD website.

These are simple, easy to understand and fun supports you as a parent can implement along with the support of your school and therapist. Anxiety is a problem that can make using any other behavioural or educational intervention hard to implement and often needs to be addressed first. Don't ignore your child's anxiety, learn to address it properly and make sure everyone working with your child is on the same team. All agreeing on using the same words, terms and techniques is a good start. If you'd like more information your welcome to contact me at:

Dr. Jim Roche
or my autism specific web page by clicking here.

My offices are located in Burnaby (serving Burnaby, Coquitlam and New Westminster) and in downtown Vancouver.

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